The Covid-19 pandemic is a global emergency, which is why it is very important to face the scientific and research challenges derived from this health emergency to offer solutions in the present and in the future. In this context and in response to the pandemic, the GCAT project has wanted to put its grain of sand in the fight against Covid-19 with a new research project: the COVICAT study. COVID-19 Follow-up Study in the CATalonia Cohorts.

With COVICAT we wanted to evaluate the symptoms of Covid-19 disease, and the factors associated with pathology, immunity, transmission, susceptibility and prognosis. We also consider that it is necessary to study how the pandemic affects people, specifically the effect that this isolation causes on physical and mental health.

For all this, in 2020 we asked the GCAT participants to answer us a first online questionnaire with questions about lifestyle habits and the impact that the virus has had on them and their environment (COVICAT study).

During 2021 and the following years we will continue in contact with the participants through new online follow-up questionnaires, to update any changes related to symptoms and the Covid-19 disease, the CONTENT study-Cohort Covid-19 study in Spain: Social dynamics, health mental and inequalities, coordinated by ISGlobal.

As part of the COVICAT study, during 2020 we asked 4,000 participants to provide a blood sample. The blood samples have been used for a complete serological analysis to determine the infections and the immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As part of the follow-up of the COVICAT study, 1,000 extractions have been made in 2021 to evaluate the degree of immunity of the cohort and its follow-up, among other analyzes.

The data of the study have had a great impact, to consult the news and press collections, click here. The main results of the study are available here:


A partir del mes de gener del 2023 començarem una tercera ronda de seguiment, amb un nou qüestionari online, i una nova anàlisi serològica de mostra de sang. Desde GCAT, animem a tots els participants GCAT a unir-se a aquesta nova crida per tal de copsar l'impacte a llarg termini de la pandèmia, i també per establir mecanismes de protecció, a escala mundial, per ajudar a prevenir els efectes de futures situacions similars.

These studies are carried out with the collaboration of the Barcelona Global Health Institute (ISGlobal), and include 20,000 people from diferent cohort studies all over Catalonia and from the rest of the Spanish state.


COVICAT IsGlobal Team

For more information and project documentation click here

For check the list of publications derived of these project, click here

For any questions you can contact us by writing to covicat(ELIMINAR)@igtp.cat

We want to thank Gureak Marketing company for the operative support to this study, and Betty Cortés for the infography

Projecto GCAT - Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP).

Ctra. Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles s/n - 08916 Badalona, Barcelona

www.gcatbiobank.orge-mail: covicat(ELIMINAR)@igtp.cat

(M) 608 421 547 (de 8-17h) Tel: (93) 033 05 43